Friday, November 11, 2005

Good Morning

Wow, I have been slacking here on my personal blog, but in my defense I have been working hard on Sunshine's Blah Blah Blogger. Such hard work, all the research, then choosing or writing an article. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love it; I could do it for a living. I am very proud to be, in my humble opinion, a part of history. As Andy Warhol says "Everyone has their 15 minutes of fame" Well I'm trying to make mine a bit longer.
I will potentially begin posting my novel next week, one chapter a month until it is complete. I went to a psychic years ago and she told me my name would live on past my life, being as I was writing the book way back then I continued to do it. Everyone, just about, who has read it loved it. My sister actually passed out the first couple of chapters at her workplace in Dallas, TX and they continued to ask her for more chapters. I was mortified, embarrassed and wanted to die. I didn't mean for 'strangers' to read it! So I stopped writing for a very long time. A few years later I took several college classes, Creative Writing I, II, and advanced. My last class teacher ripped my book to shreds on the fact that I wrote individual chapters one in first person then in third etc...As well she said I wrote how I speak and according to her you can't do that either, in other words she hated it. So I put it away again. My sister, my mother, my son and numerous friends argued that many books are written in different styles or as you speak and are quite successful. The Catcher in the Rye for one example. But I was still not convinced. My son said "Mom if you had a million dollar winning lottery ticket wouldn't you cash it in?" Well that is how he feels about my book. So I took it out and wrote some more chapters. Then out came the Harry Potter series by JK Rowlings. Damn, a great fantasy storyline, just like mine, three characters two boys and a girl, just like mine...Damn. So away it went again. Well now I have decided that no matter what outside influences, positive or negative, how will I ever know if I don't finish it? How would my characters feel if I never make them known? They are even screaming at me to make them a reality, they haunt me and in fact I even dream about them! So I have decided to finish my book and this time I mean really finish it AND more importantly I will be submitting it to publishers, so by the end of 2006 my characters could potentially be a household name. Why not? If I don't think so who will? Nobody. So I have to start believing in not only myself but my characters and my family and friends. So I'm going to start up again and after I do a little bit of research on copyrights (just to make sure nobody can steal it) I will start posting it one chapter per month. I have five complete chapters now but that will give me time to edit and complete new chapters. This book was started around 1986ish and I have to believe that it will be published in 2006...gads 20 years...well you can't win if you don't play, right?


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